Friday, 28 September 2018

Why weight loss plan fails?

Why weight loss plan fails?
Why weight loss plan fails?

Hello Everyone, I am Anjali, a Weight Management and Wellness Coach and Trainer. In my more than 5 years of experience with weight loss clients, I have come across so many people with history of weight loss attempt failure. Every time I came across a client with history of failed attempts, I personally work with them first to analyze what is not working. As it could happen again. Every person is a different person, there is difference in food habits, food choices, lifestyle they are bound to live, likes, dislikes, strength and weakness. Here comes the role of Wellness Coach to tailor a plan that will work for weight loss and most importantly for weight maintenance.

Here is some of my experience why weight loss plan fail.


No knowledge about fitness
No Knowledge about fitness

Fitness plan is a journey towards better health and it includes working on all the aspects like food, exercise, hydration, rest and basic lifestyle. Ignorance won’t help you achieve desired result but right knowledge and coaching can.
We read lot of tips and tricks, shortcut blog for weight loss and many times blindly follow them. It won’t be expensive to hire an expert who can teach you basic of balanced food and changing environment and lifestyle.


Weight loss coach plan
weight loss coach plan

Weight loss plan needs a personalized diet and workout plan for your body type. Wrong diet or excessive exercise can make situation more complicated. Wellness coach can help you find suitable plan and can tailor for any challenges you are getting on daily basis.


We associate healthy eating and exercise with weight loss and follow them temporarily in order to get short term goal. But fitness plan are made to follow each and every day to live healthy and active life. You can have cheat days. But fitness journey must go on.

Many people say I did weight loss but weight bounce back again. Problem can be your approach to the solution is temporary and problem needs permanent lifestyle changes. When people follow plan for short term like to attend special occasion or to get rid from a health issue. Health problem or temporary achieved goal can bounce back as soon you stop working on it.


Plan never fails, we fail to execute it. You are fascinated with the result somebody is getting, but fails to follow it with same effort the person is following. Sometimes your type of body needs extra effort than other person, if missing , you won’t get the desired results.

weight loss coach plan
weight loss plan

You can mail us your query at or join us on whattsapp 7837741333 for Our Weight Management and Fitness Plan.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Why water is so important?

As summers are approaching, and soon we will be facing 40 degrees or more, Hydration is very important for Body. Water is the body’s principal component. It makes up almost 70% of Body weight. We should take additional water than normal days. If you don’t replace the water you lose, you will become dehydrated.
why is water so important

Breathing, respiration, urination and in number of other ways we eliminate water. But it is critical that we replenish, because lack of water can cause some unfortunate things like fatigue, constipation, muscle cramps, dry skin etc. Children and older adults are especially at risk for becoming dehydrated due to the way their body responds to hot temperatures. It is important for everyone to prevent dehydration by drinking water throughout the day. Do not wait until symptoms appear to start drinking water.

Lack of water can cause

It is difficult to recommend a specific amount of water you should drink every day because everyone is different. But minimum Drinking 10 glasses of water every day is recommended for Healthy Hydration. The best way to know you are drinking enough water is by making sure your urine is consistently colorless or light yellow.

Recommended water intake

Make it a habit to carry a bottle of water with you at all times. Find a way, such as setting an alarm on your phone, to remind you to drink your water regularly. Apart from clean drinking water, water can also be sourced by consuming: Tea, Fruits, Vegetables and Beverages like energy drink.

Sunday, 8 April 2018

What is balance diet and why balanced diet is important for fitness and weight management.

What is balance diet and why balanced diet is important for fitness and weight management. Yes I am writing this post to spread real basic knowledge about fitness. Main question is where it starts from Food or Exercise. It starts from food we eat.
We eat food when we are hungry or if craving for some taste or literally for the reason” it is time for food”. Food does not have only one function to curb hunger. Food is fuel for our body. Our body is like machine…and every organ, tissues; cells need its fuel to work properly.

We eat food that is high is oil, salt, sugar, calories, and preservatives and unknowingly filled with high amount of pesticides and food colorants. 
We eat paranthas in breakfast in daily basis; they are high in calories and oil. Pizza and Burgers which are also same high is calories and oil. Sugar and sweeteners are used in high quantity in our daily preparations.

In one survey, WHO founds 70% of world’s salt intake is in India. 

On the other hand, Nutrition value in our food is depleting day by day. We eat stored fruits and vegetables. Farmers for commercial gain and high demand do not give rest to land to absorb nutrition. They use harmful chemicals to increase harvest and they are now quite inside our food chain.

So what we are eating is unbalanced food, high in calories, sugar and salt and low in nutrients that are needed from food to our body.

Smart way to fight from this situation is to add high quality supplement in your diet so that your body can get essential nutrients from food.

And for this Herbalife has researched and manufactured supplements that are digestible and can be added easily is diet. Healthy eating with required supplement and regular exercise is real smart way for fitness and weight management. Healthy and fit body can fight with toxins, stress and pollutants more efficiently. Need help on personalized program, contact me at

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Role of Fiber in Diet, Fitness and Weight Management

Hi I am Anjali, Wellness and Weight management Coach. I have dealt with many clients and 90% people with busy schedules, do not focus on main nutrient in their diet that our body needs to work properly. All nutrients have their own important role in making our body fit. Today, I am focusing on Fiber. If you are taking right amount of Fiber, it helps you to keep digestive system and intestinal Health good.

Replacing meal with Fruits and Salad: I came across many people; replace meals with fruits and vegetable to lose weight. Fruits and vegetables have vitamins and minerals but replacing them with main meal is not recommended. Unknowingly we replace our meal of PROTEIN, FAT and carbohydrate with FIBER. As you can see in picture Fiber is indigestible portion of food. And it helps in good digestive system, give you feeling of fullness and good intestinal track. It won’t provide sufficient energy or Protein. 

How much Fiber is required: We can take Fiber in fruits or salad (Low calorie food) at snack time and from Oats, Beans Whole gram (Medium high calorie) in Meal time. But many main meal food that includes fiber, are high in calorie too. Even if we add adequate amount of fruits and vegetables, the average person does not meet, with the recommendation, 25 to 35 gms of fiber per day. So We need to see calorie and adequate fiber intake. You can easily balance it with using high quality Fiber supplement to fulfill daily fiber needs.

Here is Link for Fiber supplement that I add to my meal to reach my daily intake of fiber:

There are two types of Fiber. Why these types are important is worth sharing.

One type of Fiber is Soluble. That is it dissolves in stomach with other food. It makes a gel type mix, which binds some cholesterol in our body and take it out of the body. It is popularly called THE CHOLESTROL SPONGE. Soluble Fiber is present in Whole Grain, Oats, beans, Apple. But take care of quantity, calorie count is must. It helps us in maintaining blood sugar level so very useful for Diabetic people.

Second type of Fiber is Insoluble as the name suggests it is not soluble when consumed. It work is to clean our digestive track and make it ready for more consumption. It is popularly known as “ NATURE’s BROOM”. It is the only food that help you clean from inside like broom. By this you can sense, how important it is. Clean digestive system can absorb more nutrient from food. It also provides us feeling of fullness. And help in preventing constipation.

If you have queries about this post feel free to inbox me or you can mail me at Eat Healthy and Exercise regularly.

Why weight loss plan fails?

Why weight loss plan fails? Hello Everyone, I am Anjali, a Weight Management and Wellness Coach and Trainer. In my more than 5 yea...