Sunday, 8 April 2018

What is balance diet and why balanced diet is important for fitness and weight management.

What is balance diet and why balanced diet is important for fitness and weight management. Yes I am writing this post to spread real basic knowledge about fitness. Main question is where it starts from Food or Exercise. It starts from food we eat.
We eat food when we are hungry or if craving for some taste or literally for the reason” it is time for food”. Food does not have only one function to curb hunger. Food is fuel for our body. Our body is like machine…and every organ, tissues; cells need its fuel to work properly.

We eat food that is high is oil, salt, sugar, calories, and preservatives and unknowingly filled with high amount of pesticides and food colorants. 
We eat paranthas in breakfast in daily basis; they are high in calories and oil. Pizza and Burgers which are also same high is calories and oil. Sugar and sweeteners are used in high quantity in our daily preparations.

In one survey, WHO founds 70% of world’s salt intake is in India. 

On the other hand, Nutrition value in our food is depleting day by day. We eat stored fruits and vegetables. Farmers for commercial gain and high demand do not give rest to land to absorb nutrition. They use harmful chemicals to increase harvest and they are now quite inside our food chain.

So what we are eating is unbalanced food, high in calories, sugar and salt and low in nutrients that are needed from food to our body.

Smart way to fight from this situation is to add high quality supplement in your diet so that your body can get essential nutrients from food.

And for this Herbalife has researched and manufactured supplements that are digestible and can be added easily is diet. Healthy eating with required supplement and regular exercise is real smart way for fitness and weight management. Healthy and fit body can fight with toxins, stress and pollutants more efficiently. Need help on personalized program, contact me at

Why weight loss plan fails?

Why weight loss plan fails? Hello Everyone, I am Anjali, a Weight Management and Wellness Coach and Trainer. In my more than 5 yea...